Supported by CCR Office of Science and Technology Resources (OSTR)

Staff Biographies-Tatiana S. Karpova


Tatiana S. Karpova Ph.D.

Core Director 
Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression 


• St. Petersburg University – B.S./M.S. (Genetics) – 1973-1979
• St. Petersburg University – Ph.D. (Genetics) – 1979-1979


• FEBS Fellowship (Vrije Univ., Amsterdam, Holland) – 1991
• American Heart Association Fellowship (Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO) – 1993-1995
• NIH/NCI Group Award of Merit (Bethesda, MD) – 2005

Research Experience

• 1979-1984: Graduate student/Biologist, Department of Genetics, St. Petersburg University, Russia. Studied the transfer of cytoplasmic factors by cytoduction in yeast with S. G. Inge-Vechtomov, St. Petersburg University, Russia. Applied genetic methods (micromanipulation and tetrad analysis, mutagenesis, cytoduction).

• 1984-1991: Assistant Professor; Department of Genetics, St. Petersburg University, Russia. Studied the genetics and molecular biology of chromosomal stability in yeast, St. Petersburg University, Russia. Applied genetic methods (micromanipulation and tetrad analysis, mutagenesis) and molecular biology methods (plasmid and strain construction).

• 1992-1999: Post doctorate in the lab of J. Cooper; Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, MO, USA. Studied the dynamics and genetic control of depolarization of actin cytoskeleton. Used methods of molecular biology (sequencing, Northern, Western analysis, plasmid construction, fluorescence microscopy in live cells, deconvolution, immunofluorescence of yeast, mutagenesis). First publication on the application of GFP to studies of the yeast actin cytoskeleton in collaboration with J. Waddle.

• 1999-present: Manager of the Optical Microscopy Core (OMC)/ Biologist; NCI/NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA. Studied the regulation of transcription in yeast, using CUP1 locus as a model in the lab of J. G. McNally. Used methods of deconvolution, live imaging with fluorescent markers, single molecule FISH and FRAP in research. Managed the Optical Microscopy Facility and applied FRET, FRAP, fluorescence imaging and quantification and cell tracking techniques.

Professional Activities

• FAES lecturer in FRET and GFP and live imaging microscopy
• Member of ORSAC (Office of Research Support Advisory Committee)• St. Petersburg University – Ph.D. (Genetics) – 1979-1979

Invited Lectures

• Gordon Conference, Plant and Fungal Cytoskeleton, Andover, NH, 1995
• Light Microscopy Interest Group, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 2003
• Chromatin Interest Group, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 2008
• Transcription Interest Group, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 2008
• Faculty/Post-doctoral Seminar Series, University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine, Vermillion, SD, 2008
• Eppley Seminar Series Speaker, Eppley Institute for Cancer Research, University of Nebraska Medical Center , Omaha, NE, 2008
• Light Microscopy Interest Group, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 2013• St. Petersburg University – Ph.D. (Genetics) – 1979-1979

Selected Publications

1.  FRAP: Tatiana S. Karpova, Teresa Y. Chen, Brian L. Sprague, James G. McNally. Dynamic interactions of a transcription factor with DNA are accelerated by a chromatin remodeler. EMBO Reports. 5: 1064-1070, 2004• St. Petersburg University – Ph.D. (Genetics) – 1979-1979

2. Deconvolution: Arnaoutov A, Azuma Y, Ribbeck K, Joseph J, Boyarchuk Y, Karpova T, McNally J, Dasso M. Crm1 is a mitotic effector of Ran-GTP in somatic cells. Nature Cell Biol 7: 626-632, 2005

3. FRET: Karpova, T.S. and McNally, J.G. Detecting protein-protein interactions with CFP-YFP FRET by acceptor photobleaching. Curr. Prot. Cytom ; Chapter 12: Unit 2.7 (12.7.1-12.7.11), 2006

4. FRET: Koga F., Xu W, Karpova TS, McNally JG, Baron R, Neckers L. Hsp90 inhibition transiently activates Src kinase and promotes Src-dependent Akt and Erk activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(30):11318-22, 2006.

5. FRAP and Live Imaging: Tatiana S. Karpova, Min J. Kim, Corentin Spriet, Kip Nalley, Tim Stasevich, Zoulika Kherrouche, Laurent Heliot, and James G. McNally Concurrent Fast and Slow Cycling of a Transcriptional Activator at an Endogenous Promoter. Science 319: 466-469, 2008

6. FRAP: Sprouse RO, Karpova T, Mueller F, Dasgupta A, McNally JG, Auble DT. Regulation of TATA binding protein dynamics in living yeast cells. PNAS, 105:13304-13308, 2008

7. Immunofluorescence: Mark Rochman, Yuri Postnikov, Sarah Correll, Cedric Malicet, Stephen Wincovitch, Tatiana S. Karpova, James G. McNally, Xiaolin Wu, Nina A. Bubunenko, Sergei Grigoryev, Michael Bustin. The Interaction Of NSBP1 With Nucleosomes In Euchromatin Counteracts Linker Histone-Mediated Chromatin Compaction And Modulates transcription. Mol Cell 35: 642-656, 2009

8. FRAP: Dey A., Nishiyama, A., Karpova, T., McNally, J., Ozato, K. Brd4 marks select genes on mitotic chromatin and directs postmitotic transcription. Mol Biol Cell. 20: 4899-4909, 2009

9. FRET biosensors: Komiya, T., Coxon, A., Park,Y., Chen, W. D., Zajac-Kaye, M., Meltzer, P., Karpova, T., Kaye, F. J. Enhanced activity of the CREB co-activator Crtc1 in LKB1 null lung cancer. Oncogene, 29: 1672-80, 2010

10. FRET: Heyerdahl, S., Rosenberg, J., Jamtgaard, L., Rishi, V., Varticovski, L., Akah, K., Scudiero, D., Shoemaker, R. H., Karpova, T., Day, R. N., McNally, J. G., Vinson, C. The arylstibonic acid compound NSC13746 disrupts B-ZIP binding to DNA in living cells. Eur J Cell Biol 89:564-573, 2010. PMID: 20362353

11. Immunofluorescence: Stuelten, C. H., Busch, J., Tang, B., Flanders, K., Oshima, A., Sutton, E., Karpova, T.S., Roberts, A.B., Wakefield, L. M., Niederhuber, J. E. Transient tumor-fibroblast interactions increase tumor cell malignancy by a TGF-beta mediated mechanism in a mouse xenograft model of breast cancer. PLoS One, 5: e9832, 2010

12. Image Quantification: Gordon S. N., Cecchinato V., Andresen V., Heraud J-M., Hryniewicz A., Parks R.W., Venzon D., Chung H., Karpova T., McNally J., Silvera P., Reimann K. A., Matsui H, Kanehara T., Shinmura Y., Yokote H., Franchini G. Smallpox Vaccine safety is dependent on T cells and not B cells. J Infectious diseases (JID), 203: 1043-1053, 2011

13. Live Cell Imaging: Tatiana A. Chernova, Andrey V. Romanyuk, Tatiana S. Karpova, Nela Moffatt, John R. Shanks, Moiez Ali, Andrew O’Dell, James G. McNally, Susan W. Liebman, Yury O. Chernoff, Keith D. Wilkinson. Prion Induction by the Short-lived Stress Induced Protein Lsb2 Is Regulated by Ubiquitination and Association with the Actin Cytoskeleton. Mol Cell 43: 242-252, 2011.

14. FCS, TICS methods: Mazza D, Stasevich TJ, Karpova TS, McNally JG. Monitoring dynamic binding of chromatin proteins in vivo by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and temporal image correlation spectroscopy Methods Mol Biol. 833:177-200, 2012.

15. FRAP methods: Mueller F, Karpova TS, Mazza D., McNally JG. Monitoring dynamic binding of chromatin proteins in vivo by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Methods Mol Biol. 833:153-176, 2012.

16. Live Cell Imaging and Tracking: Hurley A., Smith M., Karpova T, ……McNally J, ….Catalfamo M. Enhanced effector function of CD8(+) T cells from healthy controls and HIV-infected patients occurs through thrombin activation of protease-activated receptor 1. J Infect Dis. 207: 638-650, 2013.

17. SMT: Ball, D.A., Mehta, G. D., Salomon-Kent, R., Mazza, D., Morisaki, T., Mueller, F., McNally, J.G., Karpova, T. S. Single Molecule Tracking Of Ace1p In Saccharomyces cerevisiae Defines A Characteristic Residence Time For Non-specific Interactions Of Transcription Factors With Chromatin. (2016) Nucleic Acids Res 44:e160.

18. SMT: Presman, D., Ball, D., Paakinaho, V., Grimm, J., Lavis, L., Karpova, T., Hager, G.: Quantifying transcription factor dynamics at the single-molecule level in live cells. (2017) Methods 123: 76-88

19. FRET and biosensors:.Kannan R., Song JK, Karpova T, Clarke A, Shivalkar M, Wang B, Kotlyanskaya L, Kuzina I, Gu Q, Giniger E. The Abl pathway bifurcates to balance Enabled and Rac signaling in axon patterning in Drosophila. (2017) Development 144: 487-498

20. SMT: Paakinaho, V., Presman DM, Ball D, Schiltz, RL, Levitt, P, Johnson, T, Mazza D., Morisaki T, Karpova TS, Hager GL. Single-Molecule analysis of steroid receptor and cofactor actin in living cells. (2017). Nature Communications 8: 15896.

21. Quantification of cells in tissues: Rahman, M.A., McKinnon, K.M., Karpova T.S., Ball D.A., Venzon, D. J. Fan, W., Kang, G, Li, Q., Robert-Guroff, M. Associations of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV)-Specific follicular CD8 T cells with Other Follicular T cells suggest complex contributions to SIV Viremia control. (2018) J. Immunol. 200: 2714-2726.

22. SMT: Serebryannyy, L. A., Ball, D. A., Karpova T. S., Misteli, T. Single molecule analysis of lamin dynamics (2018) Methods, 157:56-65.

23. SMT and smFISH: Mehta G.D., Ball D. A., Eriksson, P. R., Chereji, R. V., Clark D. J., McNally J. G., Karpova, T. S. Single-Molecule analysis reveals linked cycles of RSC chromatin remodeling and Ace1p transcription factor binding in yeast (2018) Molecular Cell 72: 875-887.