Supported by CCR Office of Science and Technology Resources (OSTR)


Software & Techniques
Reserve a Microscope
Training & Support


Contact the LCBG Microscopy Core Facility to discuss your experiment

Please login to the Bookitlab with your NIH credentials and register as user. Once you have registered on the website, coordinate a time to meet with Ross Lake to briefly discuss your imaging project and coordinate a microscope training session.

Acknowledgements to the Core

Acknowledgement or co-authorship depending on the level of input from the Core staff is requested to support the Core research contribution and to ensure proper funding is justified for the Core to continue adding more capabilities and cutting-edge technology.

General Usage Policies

The LCBG Microscopy Core Facility is open to all CCR intramural researchers, although LCBG scientists have priority use of equipment in the facility. There is no charge to individual users for microscope time. Collaborations with laboratories outside the CCR are also considered, time permitting and fee for service.

Our policies for independent use of the equipment during evening and weekends will be determined by the facility staff depending upon the level of user expertise.