Supported by CCR Office of Science and Technology Resources (OSTR)

Training and Support

Software & Techniques
Reserve a Microscope


Contact the LCBG Microscopy Core Facility to discuss your experiment:

Meet with Ross Lake, Facility Head, to discuss your specific project. If the project is feasible, schedule an appointment to receive training and use the equipment.

NO EXCEPTIONS – No one may use any Facility equipment until he/she has met with Ross Lake.

Registration and Making Appointments on the Facility Web Calendar:

New users will be able to register with the Facility and enter their own appointments for each of the microscopes at the BookItLab website.

Design your Experiment:

Select the appropriate fluorophores for your specific system.

Decide on the proper fixation or the necessity for live cell imaging.

Prepare samples using an appropriate technique (e.g., mounting media, substrate, coverslips).

Take Hands-On Training on the Selected Systems:

Training occurs during your appointment with your samples.

You will work independently after you have been fully trained (usually several appointments).


Saving and Accessing Images and Data:

Users should only use the account created by the Core on the microscope computers.

Users must always save images to the Core designated folder on the computer, never a shared drive.

Images will be backed up onto the Core Image Server

Users are recommended to copy their images from the Image server to their Home or external drives.

Mapping the Core Image Server on your Computer:

For PC Users : 

Map a network drive on your PC by opening the list of drives on your computer.

A new window will come up. Select an available drive designation and enter the following path:
\nciis-p001.nci.nih.govGroup04LGCP in the folder space.

Your images will now be found in the folder under your name on the mapped drive.

For MAC Users:

You need to connect to the server through the “GO” function and then type in smb:// and be sure the network is NIH (not NCI).